Job listing in Turkey
Sales and Marketing Jobs
Sales employees are required to work in a company specialized in real estate marketing

Sales employees are required to work in a company specialized in real estate marketing

Recruitment announcement for a company specializing exclusively in real estate marketing:

Among the information required: -

Work for females only (males accepted)

The average work requirement is 20-30 years

Part time (suitable for university students)

The interview first: formal dress

Determine the interview

Inquiries about salaries + commissions are made during the interview. Experience is not required, but it is preferable to speak English and French if available. Speaking only in Arabic.

Experience is not required. If applicants are approved for work, a full training program will be conducted to learn the details of the work in a very comprehensive manner

If the conditions are met, please send a text message on WhatsApp

Professor: Orhan Abayden

Sales and Marketing Jobs
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