المباني المسبقة الصنع prefabricated buildings

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المباني المسبقة الصنع prefabricated buildings

A Prefabricated Building?

ماذا نعن بالمباني المسبقة الصنع؟

The international market has witnessed a sharp increase demand on prefabricated buildings recently. Clients prefer them for many reasons; such as earthquake resistance, economic prices, high quality, good insulation ..Etc. The increased demand accompanied with increase in awareness both have pushed manufacturers to develop prefabricated solutions according to customers preferences. As this industry developed customers/contractors could now order their required prefabricated building and get it assembled in place in a very short time.

شهد السوق العالمي في الاونة الاخيرة ارتفاع حاد بمستوى الطلب على المباني المسبقة الصنع! يفضلها الزبائن لعدة اعتبارات منها مقاومتها للزلازل وكونها اقتصادية من حيث السعر وجودتها العالية وسهولة تركيبها. وقد دفع زيادة الطلب ومعرفة الزبائن بها المصنعين لتطوير حلول تتناسب مع تفضيلات الزبائن. ومع التطور الذي شهدته هذه الصناعة بات بمقدور الزبائن والمقاولين طلب المبان التي يحتاجونها وتجمعيها في الموقع المنشود بسرعة ويسر.

Prefabex was established a decade ago, emerged as one of the fastest growing companies in this sector. We produce wide range of prefabricated buildings based on standard designs or customized plans as per customers’ requirements. We follow strict quality control system in production of prefabricated buildings, use high tech production line, employ professional engineers and architects.

تاسست شركة (بريفابكس) منذ عقد مضى وظهرت كواحدة من اسرع الشركات نموا في هذا القطاع. نحن نصنع المبان المسبقة الصنع وفق التصاميم القياسية أو المخططات المفصلة حسب احتياجات الزبائن. نحن نتبع نظام جودة مضبوط اصولا عند تصنيع المبان الجاهزة ونستخدم خطوط انتاج باخر صيحات التكنولجيا مع توظيف مهندسين ومعماريين محترفين.

One of the main products under prefabricated buildings is work camps. Having completed hundreds of projects worldwide and tens of big size work camps, has the experience and knowledge to deliver complete prefabricated worksite buildings solutions that are designed and manufactured according to customers’ preferences. Within a worker camp solution many different functional buildings can be found such as prefabricated dormitories, mess hall, dining hall, toilet and shower units, recreational hall, kitchen, offices, laundry area, gym, clinic,…etc.

نستهل الحديث عن واحد من منتجاتنا الرئيسية في قطاع المبان المسبقة الصنع وهو مبان العمال. لقد وفقنا بتسليم عشرات المشاريع حول العالم منها الكبيرة من حيث العدد والحجم وامتلكنا الخبرة والمعرفة اللازمة لبناء حلول المبان المسبقة الصنع المصصمة وفق تفضيلات الزبائن. حيث تحتوي مواقع العمال على عدة مبان ذات وظائف مختلفة كالمهاجع والقاعات الكبيرة الحمامات والمراحيض صالات الترفيه والمطابخ والمكاتب وغرف الغسيل وصالات اللياقة البدنية والعيادات الخ...

Prefabricated houses are sold to more than 80 countries around the world. Our modular houses come in wide range of standard plans and designs- as single storey or two stores.

نحن نصدر البيوت المسبقة الصنع لأكثر من 80 بلدا حول العالم, ونقدمها بخيارات واسعة من حيث التصميم والتوزيع القياسيين كالبيوت ذات الطابق الواحد أو الطابقين.

Prefabex also offers wide range of prefabricated offices buildings according to standard plans that were prepared by engineers and architects. Furthermore has the flexibility to produce according to customers’ own plans. Prefabricated offices can come as single or two stories with internal plan having all required functions. Prefabex has delivered many prefabricated offices projects successfully worldwide including prefabricated municipality offices, prefabricated administrative offices, modular worksite offices, oil and gas worksite offices, construction worksite offices, airports worksite offices and prefabricated sales offices.

تصمم (بريفابكس) خيارات واسعة من مبان المكاتب ذات التوزيع القياسي المعدة من قبل مهندسيين ومعمارين محترفين. وعلاوة على ذلك فنحن نتمتع بالمرونة اللازمة لنصمم وفق التوزيع الذي يطلبه الزبون. فمن الممكن أن نصمم مبان المكاتب ذات الطابق أو الطابقين بتوزيع فعال يتضمن كافة الوظائف المتاحة. ولقد أنشأت (بريفابكس) العديد من مشاريع مبان المكاتب بنجاح حول العالم كمكاتب البلديات ومكاتب الإدارة ومكاتب مواقع العمل ومكاتب مواقع عمل حقول النفط والغاز والبناء والمطارات ومكاتب مبيعات المشاريع العقارية.

Prefabex delivers its prefabricated buildings with all parts and materials including doors, windows, electric network, plumbing and all other fittings and armatures. All items and parts used in production of prefabricated buildings are chosen from among top quality Turkish brands. Products are produced according to TSE (Turkish quality standards institute).

تنشأ (بريفابكس) جميع مستلزمات المبان المسبقة الصنع كالابواب والنوافذ وشبكات الكهرباء والماء واكسسواراتها. ولقد انتقينا كافة المستلزمات من أفضل الماركات التركية ذات الجودة العالية وجميعها مصنعة وفق معايير هيئة المقاييس التركية.

Polyester cabins- Prefabex

You will enjoy more than a decade of experience in production of polyester cabins- today a world leader and is considered world’s biggest producer of polyester modular cabins. We have developed its own production line with production capacity of 500 cabins per month.

حجرة البولي استرين (الكبائن)- بريفابكس

ستحظى بخبرة تمتد لعقود في مجال انتاج حجرة البولي استرين (الكبائن), حيث غدونا في مقدمة الشركات المصنعة بقدرة انتاجية عالية تصل الى مئات حجر البولي استرين (الكبائن) شهريا.

Prefabex produces cabins with wide range of dimensions starting from 150x150 cm up to 270x750 cm. Furthermore, Prefabex is the only producer who can produce wide cabins with dimensions starting from 390x390 cm and up to 390x1230 cm.

Among the most common usage of polyester cabins is security cabins or guard booths. Most customers order small sizes such as 150x150, 150x215, 215x215, 150x270 and 270x270 cm to be used at entrances of factories, schools, hospitals, police centres, universities and governmental buildings. Security cabin can include a toilet inside. In addition to that and according to customers’ preferences the security cabin can have extra options such as curtains, shutters, air conditioner, door stopper, shelves, and counter desk.

Medium size polyester cabins are mainly used as buffet kiosks. With their aesthetic appearance, mobile structures and easy to clean surfaces, cabins are widely chose by customers to be used as cafes, restaurants, fast food and snacks sales, hot and cold drinks sales, buffet kiosks, bread selling kiosks and grocery. The high insulation that Polyurethane makes polyester cabins perfect living places. cabins are produced with demountable structures and are assembled on site.

Polyester cabins can be used also as toilet and shower units, and this solutions is widely common at worksites especially for companies operating in rural areas. wc cabin can include 1,2,3 or 4 units together, and according to customer request a closet, squatting toilet, urinal, shower tray or washing basin can be installed.

Cabins are being exported to four corners of the world covering Europe, United States, Africa and Asia.

The production technology that has developed over its years of experience allows full usage of raw materials and equal density distribution in each point of the wall panels. Polyurethane foam is injected inside wall panels in order to secure maximum thermal and sound insulation.

Demountable Containers

Containers are the most requested structures for worker accommodation as they come as modular units that can be joined together to form required building with all functions inside.

Because of limited dimensions of shipping containers, most companies developed flatpack containers for markets of exports. This container comes in 2.3x5.95 m dimensions and about 8 units can fit inside one shipping container. However as demand is increasingly directed towards bigger dimensions such as 3x7 m, through its Research and Development department and in response to this demand, developed its new generation container that comes completely with demountable structure. The new container gives 50% extra area, high insulation thanks to its 6 cm walls and 11 cm ceiling sandwich panels and easy transportation as five units can fit in 40’ HC container.

Containers are best solution for worker camps as they can be joined together and stacked up to three levels forming big buildings. Internal partitions can be placed after that to make desired internal ergonomic plan with all required functions. A standard containers worker camp can include container dormitories, container mess hall, container WC units, container recreation hall and container offices.

Standard containers come with wide selection of internal plans that cover different customers’ requirements. It can include one or two rooms, a WC, shower, kitchen cabinet …etc.

Containers are shipped with all parts and items included and once they are onsite they can be easily and quickly assembled by our professional teams and then delivered to customers as ready to use. Once project is completed, customer can easily relocate the container to the new project location.

Mobile WC and shower containers are ideal solutions for rural areas with their quick assembling and ready to use advantages. All details such as doors, vents, electric installation, water installation, wc unit, shower tray, washing basin are included and are chosen from high quality Turkish brands.

Prefabex can also produce container offices up to three-storey taking into account client’s expectations. Our container office are produced in a modern factory following band production system and using high tech machines. With our high production capacity we can respond to huge projects quickly and meet very tight deadlines.

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